Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Thank you!

Many of you know that I will be moving at the end of this school year and starting on some new adventures in Pittsburgh, PA. Thank you for a wonderful year--I truly enjoyed the opportunity to work with you and talk history. Please feel free to be in touch at any time, if I can ever be of help. Any of the usual crew of social studies teachers will know how to find me, or email me using the form at the bottom of this page.

Have wonderful summers, read lots of books, and keep in touch!

-Ms. Harris

P.S. Newbies to APUSH? Head over to www.mrjonesjhs.wordpress.com for your summer assignment.

Friday, May 1, 2015

Practice Exam

If you would like to try your hand
At another practice exam...
Here you go,
Take it slow,
Sharpen your pencils
And show what you know!
(And don't worry if you can't match my flow).

Warning: the timing and number of questions has changed since this was published. We will go over all of those details in class on Tuesday.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Studying resources

This is the powerpoint on Political Parties we went over at the review session.

Some tips for studying.

Artists and writers to know.

I will be around Monday and Tuesday afterschool ('til 3:30-4 depending on the turnout) for those who want a place to study and a teacher to ask questions to.

Good luck!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

1990s Readings

The glorious 90s. Flannel shirts and angsty music vs. Britney Spears and the Spice Girls. Bush and the first Persian Gulf War. Clinton and everything. A strong economy. Let's read all about it:

Go to this site: http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/era.cfm?eraID=19&smtID=2

And read these topics:

Have fun!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Practice Quizzes to help you study!

Here is the link to the Historyteacher.net quizzes. Topics 34-36 and maybe part of 37 will be applicable to this test. It also looks like she has a great resource up for the AP Exam studying that should be starting soon!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Civil Rights Homework

Please read the two excerpts below and answer the questions at the bottom of each page. This will be collected.

Malcolm X
Martin Luther King, Jr.

As you read, think about how these writings confirm or conflict with your previous notions about each of these individuals! Come to class prepared to discuss.

Friday, March 13, 2015

New Calendar and an Opportunity to Flex That Knowledge

The new calendar is up and the homework for the night of the test is 799-812. Thank you for your patience today with guidance registration during your test.

This website is organizing a campaign to get Andrew Jackson off the $20 and replace it with an image of an American female leader. Will it happen? My guess is unlikely. But it's fun to think about who would be a worthy candidate. Vote here on your favorite choice.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Monday, March 9, 2015

AP Exam Review Sessions

Students--the district is providing AP exam review days again in April. The deadline to register is this Friday, March 13th. These are free and the link to sign up is here:

We will also be organizing some review here at Jordan in April.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Wrapping Up Unit 7

Just a rundown of the calendar:

Monday 3/9: WW2 Homefront, questions 17-28 are due today
Wednesday 3/11: The End of WWII, newsreel presentations are due today
Thursday 3/12 afterschool review session
Friday 3/13: Scary! Your test on the 1920s through WW2. Multiple choice and free response.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow Day Updates

First off, spread the word if you see this post. We gotta do some learning even when it's snowing out side.

When you have read up to page 780 (you may skip 755-764)  and watched this video (45 minutes), you will want to watch my overview of the New Deal. I made this thing, it was my first time taping a lecture, but I did it for you. So watch it and pay attention. Hopefully it helps.

There is also this fun(?) interactive on the Dust Bowl that you might find interesting. 

Finally, start work on finishing the chapter on WW2 (reading up to page 796). If I am guessing right, I won't see you (A day) until next Thursday because of the ACT (Tuesday), which means you have plenty of time to read the chapter and take notes. Come to class prepared with questions on WW2.

And also, take some time to enjoy the snow.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Okay, let's try this week over again...

Starting on Monday, 2/23 (A Day).

You'll have a quiz, it will be open-note, same rules apply as before.

Ignore the rest of your calendar, a new/revised one will be posted soon. You will not have a DBQ next week. Instead, you will need to read up to page 780 (you may skip 755-764)  and watched this video (45 minutes) by Friday of this coming week (2/27).

Let me know if there are any questions! And maybe try setting your alarm this weekend, so you remember what it's like to get up early?!

Friday, February 13, 2015


Open Note Quiz on Tuesday, you should have read and taken notes up to page 740.

Reminder: If you type your notes, you must have a) had a conversation with me and b) had your parents sign off on each section in order to be able to use them on your quiz.

These are kind of funny, right??? Happy V-day!

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

DBQ Practice: African-Americans in WWI

Remember, for homework tonight you need to write an introduction and body paragraph in response to these questions:

Why would African-Americans support the war efforts? How were African-Americans in combat affected by prejudice in American society?

Some specifics:
•Introduction must have context and a thesis that answers BOTH questions (can be more than one sentence). It must be clear what topics you will be addressing in your body paragraphs
•Your first body paragraph should include a topic sentence, analysis of 2 documents, and outside information. Explain how the evidence you are giving helps answer one or both of the questions.

Practice makes perfect, and you've got to learn the rules before you can break them. You can do it!

Link to the packet of documents.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Thinking about an independent study next year?

Here is some information from Mr. McDonald. I encourage you to think about pursuing an independent study--it's a great opportunity to control your own learning and dig deep into a subject you love! I have the forms you need if you are interested, or you could see Mr. McDonald. 

In anticipation of the upcoming registration timeline, and because we have so many new staff members, we wanted to provide some information with regards to our Independent Study Program. The Independent Study option offers the chance for a student to work one-on-one with a faculty member to create a course not offered by Durham Public Schools. For example, students have created courses based on Genetics, the Civil Rights Movement, Harlem Renaissance Literature, and 3D Computer Design and Animation.  It is, for many students, an opportunity to delve into a topic at a much deeper level, complete projects not normally done in a regular class, and gain important research and presentation skills.  Fast facts can be found below:

·         Any junior or senior may take an independent study course if he/she meets the requirements
·         If students are interested in more information, they should go to the Jordan High School website, click on Academics, and click on Independent Study Program.  They will find the guidelines, pre-approval form, and application packets.  They must get the course pre-approved before they can work on the application.
·         Important Deadlines: 
                --Pre-approval forms are due to Mr. McDonald or Ms. Baker on Friday, February 20th
                --Final application packets are due to Mr. McDonald or Ms. Baker on Friday, April 10th.

·         Faculty members are not required to sponsor an independent study.
·         Only faculty members who have been here for a minimum of three years may be an instructor
·         Instructors may not have more than two students taking an Independent Study course

·         If you have an independent study student, he/she will be assigned to your room during one of your class periods next year (you would need to meet with them at least once a week outside of that class period)

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ms. Harris, how does the snow day affect our test day?

Dear class:
Tomorrow, Thursday 1/15 is an A day. You will have class. The afterschool review/study bootcamp is on.

Friday 1/16 is a B day.

Monday 1/19 is Martin Luther King Day.

The teacher workday on Tuesday 1/20 is now a schoolday. It will also be an A day. It will be your test day.

Your DBQ will still be on Thursday 1/22.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Calendar Update

Attentive students, just an update that we will be switching up the multiple choice test and DBQ. Therefore for my classes, you can expect to have 45 minutes of wrap up and 45 minutes of a multiple choice test on Friday 1/16. Then you will take your DBQ on Thursday 1/22. Mark your calendars!!