Sunday, April 29, 2012

Review Advice

1. Use your notebooks--you've spent a long time writing down the important stuff. That will pay off now.
2. Work on some practice questions--see the Resources tab.
3. Be familiar with the "Frequently Asked MCQs" on the handout from Friday.
4. Break it up over time, but put in some hours.
5. Focus on connecting terms, people, and events together--don't just memorize a million terms separately.

Foreign Policy Review from Saturday

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Review Guide, Dipity link, and extra Review Quiz

Hi guys,

Here are a few things you may need over the next week or two:

1) AP Exam Review Guide (this is older, and fifteen pages long). However, it may be a good place to start.

2) Link to for your timeline assignment (both entries due by 4/27 A day and 5/30 B day)

3) Another review quiz (optional). We will go over this in class on 4/25 and 4/26 if you would like to attempt it before then.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Also, don't forget...

If you are taking an AP exam in May please don’t forget to attend your AP pre-administration session.  During this 15 minute session students will pre-code their answer sheets. 
  • Students with last names beginning with A-G attend April 17th
  • Students with last names beginning with H-O attend April 18th
  • Students with last names beginning with P-Z attend April 19th
Registration sessions will occur during the first 15 minutes of each lunch in the auditorium lecture room. 

AP Updates

Review Quiz #1 is here.
I will post answers online after all students have taken it & review most missed questions in class.

When we return from Spring Break, I will be running study groups Wednesdays after school from 2:45-3:45. I will arrange activities and materials for each day; however you will be responsible for working together cooperatively and productively. Please join us!

Also, remember that the Saturday review sessions are available for sign up here.

Have a wonderful Spring Break!