Monday, September 29, 2014

Study Tips for Test #2

Hey there....

1) Your study guide is up.
2) There are also a few resources on the Lectures tab. Remember that you will have an essay on this test, so understanding the big ideas are crucial.
3) Remember to do extra credit: notes, reflection, and themes.
4) Quizzes 4-8 on this page might be helpful.
5) Here is a playlist for you. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Reading for Tuesday

Everyone will read pages 210-219.

For the online reading, please come to class with a paragraph summary of your reading(s) and at least one "amazing quote"--a sentence or two quote that really sums up the reading, makes you think, or that you have a question about.

Group A: Women
Abigail Adams Letter
John Adams Letter

Group B: Slavery
Washington's Last Will and Testament (last 2 pages only)
Jefferson's Notes from the State of Virginia

Group C: Western Farmers
Whiskey on the Frontier (skip video, read the Making...section and Taxing....section).
Washington's Sixth Annual Message (read the two excerpts here, the Message & Farewell Address. Ignore the questions!)

Group D: Native Americans
Treaty of Greenville (read excerpts A and D only)
Tecumseh to William Henry Harrison

And if you get bored, a youtube video on AHam. For fun....
Alexander Hamilton Rap

Monday, September 15, 2014

Some videos and ideas regarding the American Revolution

Some of the big questions and ideas that we have discussed regarding the Revolution:

What caused the American Revolution?

2 Revolutions--how much did things actually change?

Too Late to Apologize
And in case you're wondering whether this will be on the test, let John Green answer. Just watch the very first minute:

Friday, September 5, 2014

Getting ready for your first test!

It's that time. Here are a few resources and reminders that might help you along the way...

1) Copies of resources we used in class are available under the Lectures tab

2) Practice review quizzes. This test will cover topics 1, 2, 3, and some of four.

3) Use the study guide and your summer assignment to check your knowledge. Go over the quiz that we took on the first day and make sure you know the right answers!

4) Do the extra credit for the readings assigned so far this year.

5) Attend the review session Monday from 2:45-3:15 prepared to ask specific questions about topics that you need help with.

Good luck!