Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Answers to Practice Questions (on back of worksheet)

1. B (easy question. do your reading).
2. E (evaluative, asking you to look for the MOST important reason. Hint: Read all the answer choices. I was in a hurry and screwed this one up!).
3. B (easy, question, do you reading).
4. E (note that it's an EXCEPT question!)
5. E (tough, because you have to evaluate. Look for the ones you can obviously eliminate. D is a tough call, but were we really that much more active?)


  1. For number 2, answer A says: "unrestricted submarine warfare by the British against shipping in German waters" was the major factor that brought the US into WWI. I though it was the other way around; the Germans were the one who were using unrestricted submarine warfare against shipping in British waters (answer E)...

  2. Good call. Looks like I should be reading my answer choices more carefully!!!

  3. 3 chapters with a DBQ as part of the test? Lord, I'd feel better if you just told us you were tying to kill us.
