Saturday, June 16, 2012

Current Event #2: Immigration Reform

Obama and Romney are out to differentiate themselves this week, aren't they? Read this article on the change in immigration policy and tell us what you think. What should America's immigration policy be? Should we be more welcoming, or less so? How should the nation deal with undocumented immigrants? What change does this policy offer, and is that a good thing for the nation?


  1. I support the DREAM Act and what it is doing for undocumented aliens. From what it looks like, the people who enter illegally don't want to hurt the United States, but help it. Some people who came as young children and have been raised here wish to become teachers, a profession that is sometimes unwanted by natural-born citizens. Also, if we look far enough in history, we see that the United States is what it is because of the work and determination of immigrants, immigrants who wanted a better life for themselves and their loved ones. I believe America should be more welcoming to people like that, to people who want to contribute ideas for a better way of life for everybody.

  2. I feel that United States immigration policy should allow legal immigrants to enter, and at the same time, allow amnesty for illegal immigrants who meet certain requirements. I fully support the DREAM Act’s ideas of letting children grow up in American society rather than just leaving them to wither in a society with less opportunity.
    When it comes down to how the government should deal with undocumented immigrants, I think that the federal government, as well as state and local governments, should allow these illegal immigrants stay in our country, so long as they display good behavior. This good behavior would include refraining from any criminal and/or civil misconduct, and behaving in such a way that would be of benefit to American society.
    The recent change brought about by this policy allows illegal immigrants to remain and not be deported if they entered the U.S. before the age of sixteen and are not criminals. I believe this policy is a good idea as it helps these immigrants make a good life for themselves, and allows them the opportunity to contribute to American society in the process.

  3. The change in immigration policy could be a good movement for what Obama is doing. Obama sees foreigners as we see ourselves, people, a human being, nothing different. This policy could be a good thing or a bad thing, but in my opinion it could go either way. I am not against for what Obama is trying to do, the Dream Act, I do support; I think its fair for young youth who was brought to the U.S. under the age of 16, that meet the requirements, should be given the chance to make a difference that their trying to achieve in there life. Now looking at the policy a different way, you could argue against it. This nation population is increasing rapidly, and in a certain amount of years its predicted to reach overpopulation, and not even counting the illegal immigrants, this could lead to high demand decreasing the supply, increase the unemployment rate and more. Although illegal immigants are here to make this nation better and have a better life style, this policy could make or break the nation.

  4. I feel legal immigrants should be allowed in our country but I feel different about the illegal ones. I do support the dream act, but I do not support illegal immigration. Many of the people coming here don't contribute towards our society in any way, and our tax money is essentially supporting them. This is not true for all immigrants, many come here and do work hard and earn their own living. I think DREAM should support the immigrants who want to be naturalized and be treated like other Americans. We shouldn't give this opportunity to all of them though only the ones willing to contribute to our society. I believe we should be less welcoming, we cant just accept everyone, only people who realize they need to become a citizen and we aren't going to pay them to live here with our tax money. We should give the DREAM opportunity to all immigrants who meet the necessary requirements. One thing i really disagree with is the job belief that they are stealing our jobs. They are not stealing our jobs they just do the jobs we are to lazy to do. This policy is a great thing and it offers a big change which is, that illegal immigrants who are good citizens and meet requirements can now be like every other american

  5. This policy is a positive move for the American government towards illegal aliens. Many of these children were brought here and didn't have control over the decision to immigrate or not. Furthermore, these children contribute positivley to society, and work hard to have a better life for themselves. This is a quality that should be welcomed and rewarded. What we have to be careful of is letting in everyone. While many of these immigrants are positive contributors to society, there are several who do not. America should not openly forgive illegal immigrants who are criminals, or who do not pull their own weight in society. The financial burden of these illegal immigrants who don't pull their own weight falls on the taxpayers. We can no longer afford to do this. This is why while we should be more welcoming to illegal immigrants who have been here and done a good job, we should still keep a high standard as to who gets amnesty.

  6. Perhaps I am slightly biased as an immigrant myself, yet I feel experienced enough in the process to know that the immigration system is overly bureaucratic. It took over six years for my mother and I to gain US citizenship, which is an unprecedented amount of time. I understand why many people tend to disregard the illegal immigrants as those who "skip the line," yet most of these people cannot afford to wait. Many are living in deep poverty, while others are surrounded by armed drug cartels day-by-day.

    With this in mind, I support the DREAM Act for furthering the status of the United States as a nation of immigrants. However, similarly with what the act is attempting to prevent, I oppose illegal immigration by those who are engaged in crime-related activities. I agree with Anna on how we to be cautious in regard to who we let in. I believe that we should open up our immigration system to increase our supply of cheap and motivated labor, while at the same time filter out the criminals from the refugees. Opportunity, the key change offered by this act, will undoubtedly rekindle patriotism in those who still cherish the American Dream.

  7. I support President Obama's policy shift to grant amnesty to illegal immigrants. Most of these immigrants are coming from Mexico, a country now infested with drug cartels and chaos. The people fleeing from there should not be looked on as criminals. Most of them have absolutely no criminal intent and I believe it's not fair to deny people their right to come here if they have something valuable to contribute (and many do). After all, America IS a land of immigrants, so it hypocritical when descendants of immigrants tell other immigrants they aren't allowed in our country. I also note what Dmitri said about the process being overly bureaucratic, which is true and creates a system where people do not want to become citizens anyway because the process is too complicated.
    In defense of Obama from attacks about undermining Congressional authority, The President is allowed to grant pardons, reprieves and amnesty, so I believe he is within his rights to exercise this kind of power.

  8. I support the DREAM act because, just as a child born an American citizen does not choose to be an American, a child brought to America illegally with their families does not choose to be an illegal immigrant. Even if they were conscious of the choice, they may have been forced to come or with the only other option being to stay alone with no family in their home country. It is not fair to punish these kids once they grow up and are looking for jobs. I fully support them being granted amnesty, because to qualify for the DREAM act these young adults would be educated, productive members of society. They should not be denied the opportunities that young and productive American citizens have.
    If a young adult came to America as a baby, and is a well educated illegal immigrant who is job hunting is deported to a country they have no memory of, is that fair? What makes them less deserving than someone born in America who grew up in the same place attending the same schools? The DREAM act is providing the immigrants with the opportunity for success that they worked for and deserve.

  9. I support the DREAM act and what it is doing for those who lived in the United States basically all of their lives. Sadly in America the stereotype placed on immigrants is that they are lazy and criminals and here to use up American money when this is simply not true at all. There are hundreds of undocumented immigrants who are working to live a better life than they would have if they lived in the country they were born, if they were to be sent back to these places all the work they would’ve done would be destroyed. I think that when it comes to undocumented immigrants if someone is working and actually contributing to our economy and not causing problems and actually helping make a difference it would be ludicrous to deport them. In the article Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, stated decision would invite fraud and hurt unemployed Americans. In my opinion, those who are unemployed aren’t unemployed because there are immigrants taking their jobs it’s because they aren’t taking the initiative or didn’t work hard enough to find jobs and are trying to find someone to blame. People who were brought to the U.S as children deserve to stay because they had no choice they had no say in coming to America, and if they are working hard to better the country it would be wrong to send them out.

  10. I agree with what the DREAM act does by granting illegal immigrants amnesty and more opportunity to find a job to make ends meet. The only provision I would add to the act is make them legal somehow as the two years goes on as long as they display good behavior and a strong work ethic. By doing this, people would no longer be able to say that illegal immigrants are taking our jobs because they would be becoming citizens in that process. This addition might help immigrants reputation. However in the long run, the act may end up hurting them. I think it is a great change and step in the right direction only if Obama is reelected. If Romney becomes president, young immigrants would come forward, admit they are illegal and run the risk of being deported because he does not support the act.
    We should be a welcoming country because a lot of people are drawn to America in hopes to find a better life so we should not turn those people away unless, like Anna and Dmitri said, they are criminals who are not willing to work hard.

  11. I support the DREAM act, and agree that illegal immigrants should not be deported if they meet certain qualifications. The DREAM act protects illegal immigrants who came here when they were young, from being deported and as a child they may have had no choice in coming to this country or not, so they should be granted amnesty. I do not agree with the statement that illegal immigrants come to this country to take our jobs, they are only trying to thrive in our country instead of being in a place where they wouldn’t have been able to make ends meet. The stereotype for illegal immigrants in this country is horrible, but I think this immigration policy will help immigrants to become citizens, and maybe eventually that stereotype will disappear. However, I do agree with Scottie that maybe this policy will only help illegal immigrants if Obama is re-elected because Romney doesn’t support the DREAM act or this new policy.

  12. I support legal immigration, but I am opposed to illegal immigration. As a country we are too lenient in enforcing our immigration laws. If we would have enforced our laws from day one we would not have to worry about what to do with illegal immigrants that have been here for many years. If we look at other countries and their laws they are similar; they just enforce them. For instance if you are found illegally in Mexico and they catch you; you are immediately throw in jail or deported no questions asked. Another problem with illegal aliens is that they do not pay taxes and they can receive free healthcare and education. We need to focus on our own countries’ problems before trying to help people from other countries to have a better life. If we cannot do that for our own citizens we should not allow foreigners to be here illegally.
    As country we should start enforcing our laws about illegal immigration to the “T”. This means that we would be less welcoming to illegal aliens. By enforcing our illegal immigration laws we would be deporting or throwing illegal aliens in jail if they could not prove citizenship. The executive order issued by president Obama is going to cause in increase in the amount of illegals in our country because they will receive no punishment for breaking a LAW.

    1. Although I see your point Danny, I have got to disagree with you, as Mexico does not deport illegal immigrants like you said. In fact, many immigrants from Central America cross the Mexican border everyday on their way to the US. There is simply no way that Mexico can control their southern border if they cannot even control their border with the US and the continuous drug trafficking.

      Believe it or not, illegal immigrants do pay taxes. If they go to a store, they pay the 8.75% tax that we all pay. While that may not sound like much, that can add up to be $4000 per year for a worker making around $45,000 annually. Illegal immigrants cannot get free healthcare, as hospitals will notify immigration authorities if a patient has no documents. And even if they could, the federal government does not provide them with entitlements, as they are not US citizens. And the fact that illegal immigrants get free education only boosts our educated workforce, rather than hurt it. In fact, education is the whole point of the DREAM Act, which many educators and analysts agree will help diversify our workforce with motivated and well-educated workers.

  13. Being an immigrant myself, i do believe this is a positive step by the Obama administration in our country's struggle with illegal immigration. I don't think it's very fair that the children who came into the U.S. illegally should have to live with fear of being deported as they probably didn't make the decision to come here, but are making the most of it. And as long as they follow the directives of the DREAM act, like not participating in criminal activity, they should earn the right of becoming citizens in this country. This could be the step to a whole new beginning.The DREAM act is fully supported by me as it gives an opportunity to the young, hard working illegal immigrants in this country live better lives. These are the bright minds this country needs as they can contribute so much by creating more diversity in education which will help in the long run.
    Americans need to open their eyes to the possibilities and stop assuming that illegal immigrants will only hurt this country. There are some undocumented immigrants in this country now who are contributing to this country by their cheap labor workforce and hard work. I agree with some of my peers that our immigration system should be careful of who we let in though. But, allowing those with the right attitude and moral to be welcomed into this country is a good step into the future of this country.

  14. Throughout America's immigration history, certain ethnicities have flooded the country in certain time periods. We've had Germans, Irish, Italians, Asians immigrate to our country in the past. They ALL faced discrimination, similar to the Latin immigrants attempting to gain access to the US. At some points, America even "Closed the Gate", no longer allowing certain ethnicities to come here. It's the way public opinion works - The longer certain ethnic groups have been in the country, the more favorable Public Opinion views they'll receive. The US is going to have less favorable views towards Latino immigrants now, something that will change in the future. It may not be the right or fair way of things, but it's how our country works.

    Personally, I fully support the DREAM Act. The kids had no chance to choose a path for themselves, and if they haven't broken the law since, I see no reason why they should not be given citizenship. Many have become part of the educated work force and provide progress to our Nation. Just recently, a case came up where an attorney in California admitted he was an illegal immigrant. However, this view only applies to DREAM immigrants.

  15. I agree with Pedro Ramirez in the article. It’s a definite step forward; however the extent to which president Obama is granting amnesty, while slightly unclear in the article, comes across as a little extreme. It’s like he was under pressure to deal with the immigration issues, so he just patched it up and moved on. I personally agree completely with the DREAM act. My opinion on immigration is simple; immigrants only get here with hard work, and therefore display a higher quality work ethic than your average "born-and-raised" American. They are the ones who have to scratch out a living at the bottom of the food chain, and when that mindset is combined with the many opportunities available in our country, immigrants really rise up and have so much to give back. However, there has to be certain limitations to who is allowed to stay, which is where the diploma, good character, etc. really come into play. We obviously cant just open the gates, because with all the immigrants that want to come through, we have to have some kind of filtering system, or else we would overwhelm ourselves with the pure population burst, the economy being highly unstable and unemployment as high as it is. There is also another side to the coin, which in this case is all the immigrants who come here and don’t do well, commit crimes, go to jail, etc. but if you think about it, the DREAM act is essentially the best of both worlds, keeping the hardworking, responsible people who, even if their immigration was illegal, conduct their life legally and choose the right path. Those immigrants are the kind of people we want around.

  16. I agree with Rishi and Pedro, this act is the first positive thing to be done about illegal immigrants, but it is flawed and will need to be revised. Since this lets children who meet certain requirements, such as a clean criminal record, stay in our country, it is a good thing. But what about the parents of the children? What happens when they are deported, leaving the kids on their own? Without the parents, the kids in poor neighborhoods may become involved with criminals or gangs, and end up changing their lives for the worse. I believe that anyone who wants to come to america so badly that they endure terrible experiences should be able to stay. These people aren't trying to take peoples jobs, they are trying to provide for their children and family. Their work so that their children can have a good education is heroic, and their children may create new jobs after graduating college.

  17. Obama is moving in the right direction with granting these people amnesty. Why punish someone for something they had no control over? Many of these people who would qualify for amnesty had no choice of whether to come to the US or to stay. They just had to go with their family, and they shouldn't be punished for that.

    In terms of immigration policy, there are a few dilemmas. One of the main goals of securing our borders is to keep crime out. Although most people immigrating are not criminals, there are some who are. If the cartels could cross over to the US, there is no telling how much illegal drug related crimes would occur. Also, there shouldn't be so much of a worry about them "taking jobs". Many of the people worried about this wouldn't be working those jobs. Also, by coming over, they are creating jobs. With more people, there would need to be more hospitals, police officers, restaurants, etc. That should not be a concern.

    So, the US should make it easier for people to come over. But, if they were to commit a serious crime, they should be deported. Let the good, honest workers come in, keep the bad ones out.

  18. Obama is moving in the right direction for his political audience but the wrong direction for many others. By passing this law, he is only discouraging the illegal immigration of people over the age of 16, lessening the issue for our parents' generation. However, he is encouraging the illegal immigration of thousands more people of/below the age of 16, which is going to cause problems for our generation by increasing our class sizes even more and adding for more competitions in the workplace when there is already enough in the first place.
    Some of the people commenting agree with Sarah Moshe's comment, "Those who have grown up in the United States after entering illegally did so without intent to violate the law." Whether people mean to break laws or not, it does not matter, THEY ARE STILL BREAKING THE LAW. Therefore, the President and other people in charge of our nation and states should abide to that standard and send the illegal aliens back where they came from. Honestly, getting deported is not as bad as what other countries have instated for people who cross their borders illegally, death. So would you rather be killed or deported for crossing a border illegally?

  19. I like what the Obama administration is doing. I don’t think that immigrants who came as children should be punished, especially if they are contributing to society in some way. I mean, it’s not like the kids had much of a choice of whether or not to stay in their home country or come here, many were probably sent here by their parents so that they would have a chance at a better life.
    However, there are those immigrants who are causing serious trouble, by means of violent gangs and drugs. I think we should focus on punishing those illegal immigrants, not the ones who are graduating from college and planning to help our country by becoming teachers, or starting new businesses.

  20. I am not in support of allowing such a mass number of illegal immigrants to suddenly become eligible to apply for jobs. It is a huge number of people to suddenly add to the workforce competition. As many have already said, most illegal immigrants came to the U.S as young children, so they had no control over the decision and I can definitely see where people are coming from there. Granting amnesty to illegal immigrants is far from being the solution to the problem but it is a step forward. Many more illegal immigrants might try to take advantage of this policy because there are no consequences when they do so. It's great that illegal immigrants who have been in the country for a while no longer have to live in fear of getting deported, especially those who have aspirations of becoming teachers, doctors, etc. I think the regulations and requirements of being eligible for work authorization for immigrants should be strict, because there are still some immigrants who are causing trouble. I am all for those immigrants who want to help out their community and society as a whole, but I am hesitant to support the new policy because I feel that it might cause more of a struggle over immigration in our country than there first was.

  21. Immigration has long been a major problem in this country. The idea that Obama has proposed to pursue as the solution has left America with mixed emotions. I believe that as Americans we have a responsibility to those who are less fortunate than us. When we talk about illegal immigration and immigration in general, we need to remember that they are coming here for a reason, some educationally, some work related and others simply because of the fact that our country is free. We should take pride in that fact that people would be willing to risk losing everything they have, in order to be in the United States of America. I support the DREAM act and what it is trying to do to increase the opportunities immigrant youth 16 and younger will have, but I do not believe that granting amnesty to thousands of illegal immigrants is going to help achieve more opportunities for all immigrants as a whole. Obama’s “solution” to essentially forget about all of the illegal immigrants in the country right now, is neither the step nor solution we need to be taking in the process towards fixing the immigration problem. Obama’s proposal will let thousands of immigrants go out into the workforce. It is hard for Americans today to find jobs and letting thousands of other people now compete for the same jobs will increase our unemployment rate tremendously. Although I do not support illegal immigration, I believe our first step in trying to fix this problem is to make the process of becoming a citizen of the United States a little easier and a little more accessible to all.

  22. My stance of immigration is as follows. Why should immigration be toterated in the U.S if us as americans could be apprehended for illegal entry into foreign countries. Since its evident that the mojority of illegal immigration consist of the Hispanic population, then we as americans have failed to create a solution to prevent such violation. In my opinion im am welcoming to any foreign accept those who are inviolation of immigration laws. I think for illegal entry violaters should be deported back to country of citizenship. I believe that the addition of the DREAM ACT to this poicy was nessary for the future of immigration as it pertains to the United Stes goverment. In conclusion immigration and exsisting problem that in my opinion would never be resolved.

  23. I support the President's DREAM Act. I think that it is good for those people who came to this country when they could not make the decision on their own. This is their home and where they grew up. Most of them had no say in the matter, but I do think that they should be naturalized and make the effort to become citizens. I completely agree with legal immigration. They have filled out the proper papers and have made an effort to come here and become truly American. I do not agree with illegal immigration. If you’re going to come to our country, at least take the time to respect our laws and the others that live in this country, not to mention those who have immigrated before you. The job market is already suffering, so I think that those that have illegally immigrated here should have the proper documentation before starting work. I am fully supportive of those who legally immigrate and who want an opportunity at a better job, education, and a new start on life. I think that it is their right to enjoy all the benefits of being an American, considering the fact that they took the time to do so, and that they want to be productive here. I do not support those who illegally come to this country and mooch off those around them who are stimulating the country and integrating into its society. I think that we should crack down a bit more on illegal immigration, but we should give them the opportunity to become citizens if they so wish.

  24. Even though I would consider myself a Republican I agree with what the DREAM act is trying to accomplish, amnesty for immigrants under the age of 16 who have lead a good moral life and have gained a high school diploma. These immigrants are obviously willing to put in the time to benefit themselves through education, so why not let them benefit the country with new ideas? Allowing these immigrants amnesty will create a younger, educated and more energetic work force; that in the long run will benefit the United States. With the global economy in a downward spiral the answer out of this recession could be the new and energetic minds of immigrants. To strengthen my point further, America as a whole has already invested a lot of money into educating these immigrants through our public schools. Why would we force these immigrants to return to their home country after we have just spent all this tax money on educating them? That is more of a waste of tax dollars then educating illegal immigrants in the first place. On the other hand it could be hard to decide which immigrants to extradite and which to allow to stay. What are the requirements for leading a good moral life and who decides whats moral? Also its not that hard to graduate from high school if you just put in a little effort you can do it. If every illegal works hard enough to graduate high school and leads a "moral life" are we suppose to let them all stay? As a nation we cant afford to keep all of them and its to hard to decide who should stay and who has to leave. All in all I think the DREAM act is a good idea but unrealistic. Only taking the best and brightest of the immigrants would be the best case senerio but that just might be to hard of a task to accomplish.

  25. I agree with the new policy and what Obama is doing for the undocumented immigrants. I believe our policy should be more welcoming. Many of the immigrants have a lot to offer to our country. There are some immigrants that come to this country and become criminals. I think the policies should be aimed at the good working families that are here for a better life and are making an honest living. That is exactly what Obamas’ policy is doing and that is why I support it. I think that the nation should maker it easier for immigrants to come to our country. I think that illegal immigrants that are not criminals should be given work permits and have the ability to have a license. I think that the new policy is a good thing for our nation because it offers teens that were brought to this country before the age of sixteen to go to college and get jobs. It gives the opportunity to many illegal teens to follow their dreams to go off to college and make their lives here where they grew up. For many illegal immigrants this is their new home and they want to stay here. This country was built of immigrants and I don’t see why now some are so much against it. This new policy will not fix the problem but it is a good start toward the right direction.

  26. While reading the article as well as various comments before mine, I can honestly say that I am in support of the DREAM act. However, I do not support illegal immigration. As I understand Dmitri G’s standpoint on the amount of time and the struggles that immigrants have to see before seeing citizenship; however, I also highly agree with Anna’s opinion on being cautious with who is allowed access into the United States. I say we should be careful of the kind of citizens for the simple fact that, some of these same immigrants that are being granted citizenship are some (not all) of the same ones that are committing various crimes and landing in jail. If they are in jail, what good are they to society? Ultimately they are of no assistance, or benefit—so why keep them here and continue to pay for them? I believe that those who are illegal immigrants should be legalized, regardless of how long it takes. I do not believe that they are taking our jobs, because they are no strangers to hard work and that is always appreciated. On the other hand, Americans are selfish, and do not want to continue to pay million of dollars in taxes for citizens that cant even take the time to be legalized. On another note, I am not completely against all immigration, as I believe the DREAM act is a great program. The idea of helping young teens that want to better themselves, and achieve higher education is always a good thing. The idea of the DREAM act is a good step in the right direction in order to better younger teens.

    -Marissa B.

  27. President Obama is moving in the completely opposite direction. Why should we let people that one broke federal law live in United States and not have to worry about being deported? People want to stop drug trafficking and gun smuggling across the border but its not going to help if we can have the American government giving the Mexican Drug Cartel fully automatic rifles trying to track them down. Well we already had one border patrol officer die from the Cartel. Illegal immigrants should just not be allowed to become a citizen of the United States of America because they broke the law. If they try they should be put on the next bus back to Mexico with a letter saying come back legally and maybe we will give amnesty.

  28. I believe in supporting, and allowing legal immigrants into our country. I do not believe in allowing any illegal immigrants into it though. The reason I don’t believe in this is because our tax money isn’t just going to the legal citizens, but also the illegal ones. I do not approve of this at all. Just because there are some illegal citizens who do help us out, the ratio of those to ones that don’t, just don’t even out. Like Ryan R. states Obama is encouraging illegal immigration for many under the age of 16. This will lead to increased competition for work and school. This step Obama is taking leads his political campaign forward, but is leading our illegal immigration problems backwards.

  29. There are many arguments for and against the DREAM act. I believe the Obama is taking a step in the right direction. It is true that illegal immigrants are here against federal law and under federal law they should be deported. However, would that really solve the problem? Obviously it hasn’t because illegal immigrants are still being sneaked into the country. The DREAM act is moving in the right direction because it allows the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to focus more on illegal immigrants who are caught in the drug trade, and/or are also convicted of felonies or crimes and it slightly confronts the problem of illegal immigrants already here than simply ignoring them. Thanks to the DREAM act, it grants amnesty to illegal aliens so that immigrants whose only crime is entering the country illegally while adding more focus to cracking down on immigrants who are doing more illegal activities. Illegal immigrants do not pay taxes which burdens ordinary citizens. Now that illegal immigrants who have come to the U.S. as children can now be citizens, they have to make payments instead of the being ignored and getting off without paying what every citizen has to pay.

  30. I fully support the DREAM Act and all that it can provide for young undocumented adults, if Congress passes the bill. President Obama rightly issued an executive order basically stopping deportation of these young adults without waiting for Congress to resolve their stubborn views on immigration. I don’t believe it is right to penalize young undocumented adults for no fault of their own, were either born into or brought into this country by undocumented parents. Should these youths to continue their elementary and high publication and study in our many universities and then seek job opportunities, allowing them to become productive citizens. These people are only doing good for our country, by filling employment needs and paying taxes. Working hard and then being in constant fear that they may be deported to a country with less conveniences or freedoms according to occupations is not fair. Furthermore, these illegal immigrants are more American than the country of which they were born. I think it is reasonable that illegal immigrants should stay in the United States as long as they have acted with acceptable conduct. If an illegal immigrant was in the United States making trouble and breaking our laws, then I do think it is understandable that this person may be sent back to whatever country they came from. The DREAM Act provides a path for illegal immigrants to continue their education and to fulfill the American Dream.

  31. In general, I do agree with the DREAM Act and it’s contents. I can understand the opposing argument mentioned in the article, which calls it a temporary solution, but I do not think that means the change is unnecessary. For the long term however, America’s immigration policies need to be resolved. Amnesty is a potential answer for illegal immigrants currently residing in the US, especially in the case of minors. People should not be punished for their need to enter illegally as youth, we should have some sympathy and the DREAM Act offers some. For people over the age of 18, I think there should be guidelines for undocumented people to earn amnesty, much like those mentioned in the DREAM Act such as “good moral character” and a high school degree. Everyone else earned the right to live here, so illegal immigrants should be able to as well.
    As for the issue of border control, we should be less welcoming and increase it. However, it’s not easy, we would need more funding for increased security and personnel. But, it is pretty important to stop the issue before it starts. All in all, we should not discourage illegal immigrants who are contributing to society, but should rather build their trust and loyalty to our country. Deportation seems to only inflict fear into valuable citizens. I’m not saying the DREAM Act is perfect, or that our border control can’t use improvement, but it is important that an effort was made and a policy was put in place.

  32. The DREAM act is an excellent idea in allowing illegal aliens to become United States citizens. Many of them are willing and able to contribute to our economy but are not able to because of their illegal status. The DREAM act will help many young, motivated immigrants to be able to work and become United States citizens. I do however believe that we should be careful in who we allow to become American citizens. In my opinion the phrase, “a good moral character”, should be more spelled out, defining what is permissible and what might result in deportation. In implementing the DREAM act we must also be conscious of economy. An estimated 830,000 people will be added to the work force, in what is an already struggling job market. In addition to the DREAM act Obama should increase his efforts in creating new jobs for America.

  33. I fully support the DREAM act and its direction toward the future. Young undocumented children only know whats its like to be an american . They were raised an environment known only as the united states of america. They come from a poverty country with the hope of a better life. This nation was built on the backs of immigrants of different origins. They come with idea to fully synchronize and to only contribute to a country that believes the same values and ideas. I believe there should be requirements to gain amnesty and the contents of the dream act but its only a short term relief for a bigger problem in our immigration policy. We have a very partisan congress that has yet shed light on the issue at hand. I can only hope that Obama receives a second year term to help mobilize a solution for our immigration problem. Mitt Romney seems to head in the opposite direction of the DREAM act. This issue can have a drastic effect not only our economy but the number of graduate students in the fields of math and science this country desperately needs. Over 50 percent of our scientist are all foreign born with a genius visa they could easily go back if sudden situations change. This issue if solved could give us more potential scientists and engineers for better innovation and maintain our status as the number one economy of the world.

  34. I feel that the DREAM Act is a bill that has good intentions and one that I would support if I was a Congressman. It gives hope to young American children who happened to be born to illegal immigrants. Is it their fault? Should they be doomed to deportation in the dangerous, poverty-stricken countries from whence their family came? These kids were born on American soil and deserve a chance to live here, to work here, and to prosper here without any limitations that other Americans don't have. This will raise wages of these people and give them a chance.
    However, I do understand why people are opposed to this bill. It is not a long term solution; we can't have a new DREAM act every two years. It is a step in the right direction of immigration policy though, and one that will most definitely help. We need reform more than this bill, but the bill is not bad alone.
