First, a little review of pop quiz policies:
1) You may use notes,
your own notes, on pop quizzes.
2) I will drop one quiz at the end of the quarter.
3) Coming late and missing the quiz, being absent for any reason, or being excused from the quiz for any reason will earn you an exempt grade which will count as your dropped quiz. It is just too hard to "make up" a pop quiz--it's no longer "pop."
Second, class resources:
I've decided it might be helpful to make powerpoints and prezis that are used in class available for your benefit. I will make an effort to get them up in time to prepare for tests. I will not promise to get them up every night. This is meant to be an additional boost for study or a back up if you are sick or absent, not a replacement for note-taking in class.
You learn more effectively when you write things down--google it. You'll find these resources on the
Lectures tab above.