Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spring Break Review Assignment

Spring Break Review Assignment for APUSH
Welcome to your review assignment over Spring Break. It’s not short, but I put some time into thinking about what would be reasonable, helpful, and (hopefully) a little interesting/thought-provoking/mind-boggling over Spring Break.  CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING TO COMPLETE.

Option A: Women
Option B: The Jackson Era
(this option is a more broad overview)
Read &

On Women 1950s Education Film

What Betty Friedan Saw Coming

Why I Want Women to Lean In

Party Time

Is this the Nastiest Election Ever?

1)     Using the resources above, identify the vocabulary listed for each topic. Each identification should explain not only what (or who) an item is, but its significance during the time period and/or to the readings above.
2)     I chose each of these topics because I think have relevance for today’s world, and also the time period (1950s-1970s) that we are studying in this unit. Create a timeline that illustrates this idea and meets the following requirements (note: the actual format of this timeline is up to you—be creative!):
a.       Identifies three themes connected to your readings above (example: state vs. federal government OR role of minority women).
b.      Includes 12 examples of people, incidents, or ideas that reflect those themes.  These examples should be drawn from all three (Jacksonian era, mid-twentieth century, and today).  These CAN be drawn from the vocabulary lists, or they may be other examples that you choose.
c.       Clearly shows which theme each example relates to and includes it in the appropriate spot on the timeline.
3)     Reflection. Write a short (250 word reflection) on what you learned from this assignment, focusing on how these resources differed from your textbook’s representation of the topic.  In what ways were these readings and resources more or less helpful to you?

Indentured servitude
Anne Hutchinson
Abigail Adams
Cult of Domesticity
Amelia Bloomer
Lowell Mills
Catherine Beecher
Emma Willard
Oberlin College
Lucy Stone
Margaret Fuller
Angelina Grimke
“Waves” of feminism
Utopian community
Seneca Falls Convention
Denmark Vesey
Indian Removal Act
Webster-Hayne Debate
Nat Turner’s Revolt
South Carolina’s Order of Nullification
Jackson’s Bank Veto
Force Act
Specie Circular
Gag Resolution
Annexation of Texas
Oregon Treaty
Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo
Universal manhood suffrage
Second Great Awakening

GRADE: Successfully completed extra credit assignments will earn up to four points extra credit on their AP Practice Exam. (Note that this exam also counts as a final exam grade). This will be the only opportunity for extra credit on this test.

DUE: Monday, April 8th by 3 p.m. for all classes. Yes, this means even if I have you on B-day, you need to walk by my classroom and turn in your assignment. Late assignments, for any reason, can only earn up to 2 points extra credit and will not be taken after Wednesday, April 10th

PS: A day, you have a normal reading to do over break, B day, it actually falls so that you have no reading. So take advantage of this time to rest, relax, and rejuvenate a bit--when you come back in April, the heat will be on in all AP classes and your teachers will be expecting your best!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

AP Exam Review & March Madness Guesses

Just a reminder that Saturday AP exam reviews are available (for many courses, not just US History) on April 13th and April 20th. They are free, staffed by awesome DPS teachers (like yours truly), and you get some lunch if you to both sessions.

Sign up here: http://www.dpsnc.net/programs-services/advanced-academics

If you want more quality time with Ms. Harris, I'll be leading the afternoon APUSH sessions. Mr. Jones will leading the morning sessions (if you need a break from me...). All sessions will be similar for APUSH, so only sign up for one.

Also...it's bracket season. For fun, I asked my B-day classes to take some guesses about who will win it all. A-day, if you want to join in, leave a comment below. I will bring a treat to anybody that gets it right. Unless you guessed Duke. Then I'll just be grumpy.

Guesses so far:

Kansas—Alex K, Stephen Y, Ben K
UNC—Alex J, Kyle, JeanMarie, Claire (these people are truly loyal fans and wishful thinkers). 
NC A&T—Nick P
Miami—Rachel K, Austin, Robbie, David
Michigan—Hope, Billy
Indiana—Thomas, Alli
Duke—Amar, Spencer (these people obviously do not care about their grade in this class). 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Important Announcements

1) Remember that Tuesday, March 5th is ACT Day.
2) If you are missing the DBQ next week due to the environmental field trip, please plan to make it up Monday, March 11th immediately afterschool. See me if this will be a problem.
3) Remember the deadline for AP exam registration is March 7th. Use the Streamline DPS link on the Jordan website. If cost is an issuse for you, please see your guidance counselor for information about fee waivers.
4) Need something to do over Spring Break? Check out this Durham History program.
5) Ms. Harris and your (other)  favorite social studies teachers are playing on a b-ball team in the Student-Faculty Basketball game, March 21st and 22nd. Make a team and try to beat us....link on the Jordan site!