Friday, September 28, 2012

Easy Change to Extra Credit Notes

I mentioned this in class today, but just so you can see it in writing:

Complete the questions and notes as usual. Instead of the summary, I would like to see a 1-2 paragraph reflection on what you learned in this unit.  You may want to try to answer the following questions, but you do not need to address all of them. This should be a more personal response to what we have studied, rather than a rehashing of the summaries available in the textbook and online. :
1) What did I learn in this unit? What was new information to me, and what connected to things I had learned before?
2) How does this fit into the story of American history that we have been following? What connects to before? What seems to be coming up?
3) How well did I learn this unit? What am I still confused about? What helped me learn during this unit (something we did in class? Something you changed in your approach?), or what has challenged me during this unit? 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reading for Tuesday/Wednesday

Read this article first, "Happy 200th Birthday, War of 1812!" and take notes! You are skipping the section on this in the textbook. 

Then read pages 241-247 in the textbook.

Remember, review session after school on Wednesday. Study guide for Unit 2 is up on line.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reading for Wednesday/Thursday night

Everyone will read pages 210-219.

For the online reading, please come to class with a paragraph summary of your reading(s) and at least one "amazing quote"--a sentence or two quote that really sums up the reading, makes you think, or that you have a question about.

Group A (last names A-H): Women
Abigail Adams Letter
John Adams Letter

Group B (last names I-N): Slavery
Washington's Will and Testament (last two pages ONLY)
Jefferson's Notes from the State of Virginia

Group C (last names O-S): Western Farmers
Whiskey on the Frontier (skip video, read the Making...section and Taxing....section).
Washington's Sixth Annual Message (read the two excerpts here, the Message & Farewell Address. Ignore the questions!)

Group D (last names T-Z): Native Americans
Treaty of Greenville (read excerpts A and D only)
Tecumseh to William Henry Harrison

And if you get bored, 2 youtube videos on recent topics. For fun....

Alexander Hamilton Rap
Too Late to Apologize (Declaration)

Monday, September 10, 2012

Update on reading, night of test...

The assignment is to read pages 131-152. You may skip/skim the section on "Ideology, Religion, & Resistance" that begins on page 135. You won't be tested on that material and we can cover it in class.

Hope that helps (a little). Check out the calendar to see what's ahead!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Quiz Questions to Study With...

You might find these questions a helpful resource for study. Our first unit will cover the topics from 1, 2, and 3.

AP US Practice Multiple Choice

Don't forget review session on Thursday from 2:45-3:30 and the study guide is available online!