Sunday, November 27, 2011

APUSH Update

This week, we wrap up Reconstruction and test on Thursday/Friday.

60 multiple choice and a free response question. Use the site to get the Reconstruction study guide and check out the terms you need to know for the Civil War.

Check out this article on Lincoln, his generals, and Union strategy, if you are interested!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

and Unit 5 begins...

Homework the night of the test is to read pages 425-431 and the linked article. Post a question that you have about the Civil War below.

Also, we will be using the following site as we explore the civil war and prepare for a research paper:

Please bookmark it and take note of your class assignment.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

New Resource

Some of you have been asking about other ways to study. This site:


has pretty good overviews of topics and does it in little movie/visual formats. It might be a good source for study resources (and also seems to have material for other classes).

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Upcoming test and DBQ

The DBQ is up first. Anything from the Jacksonian era (1824 or so) up through 1860 is fair game as far as topics go. When studying for the DBQ, think about big picture issues. Reread chapter summaries, look through focus questions, and brush up on any content that you may have missed.

The second part of the test will be 65 multiple choice questions. You will have an hour of class to complete it, after which we will be working on another activity. The study guide is up now.

For your entertainment...